Monday, April 25, 2011

Shelly's Annual Easter Egg Hunt

This is me and how I prepare the eggs. LOL
I found some! They are so cute when they get all excited and hunt for the eggs!

This group finished hunting the eggs and are now waiting to find the golden eggs that have 5 bucks in them. I made them keep waiting a bit because they are so anxious. I love torturing them that way. Little bit excited for the egg!

Searching for the goldens!

Lining up for the egg toss. Whoa! I am not catching that one! It landed and didn't even break.

Renee got yoked. Guess the yoke is on her. Good job Rick!

All tied up for the leg race.

Waiting to start the leg race.

They're off!

Have you know that Renee and I won again this year! HA! HA!

To end the day off sitting around the fire pit with friends.

We had a beautiful fire going.

The whole day was a blast! Everyone had a good time. The hunt was good, food and beverages were good, time with friends and family was great!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Two Favorite Aunts!

Aunt Jan, Mom (Kathy-RIP), Aunt Carol (Sis)

June 1962 Aunt Jan and Aunt Sis April 2011 When I look back and reflect on people in my life and I think of my two Aunts. I have a lot of great stories to tell. There were a lot of great times with my Aunts and my cousins. We have a lot of good memories. There are some funny things that you don't want to mention in public. Then there are times that you could go on and on. Times that Aunt Sis had a restaurant in Mesick Michigan. Good times going up there too. One time my cousins put Tabasco sauce in my coke while I was using the restroom. When I came back to take a drink, sucking it down really fast, then I was like, WHOA!!!! All of the cousins laughed their fool heads off. I ran to the kitchen and Aunt Sis was like, what is going on Hun? I said, I need water, quick! LOL We spent many times going out to both of my Aunt's houses and having fun. One time we all went out to Long Lake to go camping with Grandma and the clan. While we were swimming Aunt Jan was coming to shore and something was out of it's place and I yelled to Auntie and she looked down, and shoved it back in. So funny! I will never forget these fun times spent with family. Love you all!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sweet gum is the second in production only among oaks in hardwoods. The wood is used for flooring, furniture, veneers, home interiors and other lumber applications. The wood is also used as paper gulp in making baskets. Pioneers once pulled back the bark and stripped it of the gum like resin and used it as chewing gum.

Sweet gum is a favorite landscape tree. It provides beautiful color in the fall and a wonderful shade tree. It is easily recognized by its star-shaped leaves and its woody spiny like wooden fruit.

This is the seed pod that I took a picture of and thought it looked really cool. So, now I had to research it since I had no clue as to what it was.

You know, people collect these pods and make several crafts with them. They also can coat them in peanut butter and bird seeds and hang them in the yard for the birds.

Day at Mom and Dad Vandlens

It is so nice to see old barns when out on a drive. Plus, it is nice to see the green coming in really good now.

Went down to Battle Creek to spend some time with the family and to celebrate Sara's birthday. We had a lot of fun. Wonderful meal that Mom prepared and had a nice walk out on the wooded trails and nice time spend with family.

Mason on his quad



Mitch driving and Connor in the gator!

Ma and Dad Vandlen

Sara and Mike

Beautiful view from the bridge of the creek.

The weather was perfect today. We had 80 degree weather and there was a nice gentle breeze. Kids had a blast riding their quads and the gator. We all had a nice walk and visit with the family.

Happy Birthday Sara!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Blue Jay in my yard today. I happened to take the picture from inside my house at my desk. If I go outside, then they fly away. I took the picture then zoomed in on my camera to trim. The markings on the BJ are very pretty and unique. Are you looking at me? Find something to do! Again, trimmed from Camera. The quality isn't as good as if were outside taking the pictures or had an even bigger zoom lens. :) This was last nights sunset. Shawn spotted it while we were in our living room watching some TV and he said, Mom look-so pretty! So, I got up, looked, grabbed camera and took a picture. Love the beauty that God has given us the privilege to look at every day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Government Shutdown?

Will the Government Shut down?

What does that mean for some?

If the Government shuts down this is what I see-All the hard service men and women fighting for our country or serving their country in some way shape or form and there is a hold on their pay. What happens to these wonderful men and women? Do they lose their homes because they cannot make a house payment? Does their family end up living on the street because they no longer have an income to provide for their family?

What is the point of a shutdown? You don't see the people in congress, senate, president taking a hold on their income.

If you shut down and say, don't worry, they will back pay you from the time of the shutdown to the time it isn't shut down. I say, Then what is the point? Going to pay them eventually anyway and it does not help save any money or help the budget. It just makes things worse for the American people who are trying to survive. Some people live week by week trying to support their family and to live a decent life.

I am one that is getting a little nervous about this as I am a stay at home Mom and my husband is the worker. He works for the government in the USCG. I pray that there is not a hold on his paycheck as he pays all the bills.

This above picture sure does explain a lot. This is what it would feel like for all the people who get shut down. You would feel like you are buried and can't do anything about it but hope for someone to dig you out of a hole. Interesting comic don't ya think? Where is the best interest at?
Don't ya wish there was an easy button for this?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

That's a Wrap!

A long time friend of mine, Janice, and her family wanted me to take some family pictures of them. I am working on taking the garage background out of the pictures and adding various different backgrounds. This is very interesting on how this all has to be done.

First, make a copy, then erase the whole background and that takes a little time as when you are close to what you want to save in the picture, you don't want to mess up and take too much or too little.

I am so excited as I have learned a new thing to do on photoshop. I bought a book a while ago and it will show you step by step to a certain point. Can you say AWESOME?

This picture of my friends is so funny. There is a reason for them to all show their fist and the comment 'That's a wrap!' Janice was saying something to her family one time and it is a hidden joke between them. She made a hand motion (which she says she never talks with her hands, but we know she does) and said, 'That's a Wrap!' When they all explained it to me, they were all laughing so hard and so we had to get a picture of them doing that. I look at the picture and I can

actually still hear them laughing every time I look at this picture!

Ever think about how life can be so much fun and more interesting with the little "inside" jokes that we have amongst certain family members or friends? Sure does make life more enjoyable!

I have known Janice and her family since 1989 and I appreciate the friendship that we have.

God brings certain people in our lives for our own benefits of enjoyment of friendship. Imagine a life without any friends-life would be a little boring. I thank my God every time I think of you!

Life passes by so quickly! I remember when Janice and I were pregnant at the same time with our girls. The girls are going to be 20 this year. Holy Cow! Where does the time go?

Love to all!