Isn't it exciting to spend time with a great friend?This is Sandy and I. We have been friends since freshman year in HS. A lot of great memories!
Sandy was able to come down and spend the day and next morning with me. It is always nice to see her and spend some great quality time together.
We started off at my house and then ventured off to a huge greenhouse in my town. Just down the road from me is a place called Countryside Greenhouse. They actually still have a lot of flowers and plants in there right now. We were lucky to scope out what they had, see the awesome deals we were going to get and chit chat! Nothing better than chit chatting!
Then we went to the mall in Grandville (Rivertown Crossings) and shopped for quite a while. I was not lucky in finding any sandals or flip flops. My last pair broke and I miss them. Sandy, on the other hand, got several great deals. It is nice to get a deal or two or three or four!!!
Then we went out to lunch at Applebees and had fun with that and Yummy food! Once we finished there, we headed back to my house and waited til we went out to Grand Haven Michigan to enjoy some of the festivities at the Coast Guard Festival. We did a little more shopping there and then watched a water ski show. The skiers were great but the MC's-they could have used a little help in the humor department. Then we enjoyed walking the pier and meeting up with my family out there.
This little shop had some funny clothing ideas in it. One pair of boxer shorts that we thought was a hoot, had three ducks on the back and it said-'butt quack'. Pretty funny!
Time was well spent and went way too fast! A lot of laughs and great conversation!
The next morning we took my dog to the vet because she is not feeling well lately. They think she is anemic so have to get her checked and see how she adapting to the pills she is being put on.
After that we decided to go to a store in town and got a few more great deals and then back to the greenhouse to get all the perennials for Sandy, well, NOT ALL, but she got more so she could plant in her pretty flower beds.
I am so happy that Sandy is in my life! There's just something about a special bond with a friend.
So, as you can see, we had a wonderful time making more memories. Thanks for the great time Sandy!
You know, life is interesting! Why does God bring certain people in our lives? Are the people there for a moment, hours, a day, week, month, year? Are some of your friends more like acquaintances or are there more that are like long lasting friendships?
We all need friends, companions, best buds. Treasure the friends that you have because you never know how long they will be in your life. A great friend is one that you have not seen in a while or years and you can pick up right where you left off.
Stop and think about when you just go to the store. At the checkout, are you friendly and say hello and talk to that person? Or do you wish they would hurry up and get done so you can be on your quick way? Take time out people-that person-you could have made their day just by taking the time to say hello.
To all my friends out there-I do treasure our friendships. Whether it be an acquaintance and we just stay in touch, chat on Facebook, or whatever the case may be. You are part of my life for a reason-so DEAL WITH IT!!!!
I just wish there was more time to get together more often.