Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sassy Shelly Needs to Update!

Wow, I have not been on my blog in a long time. I guess I better get to posting a few things. So, I noticed that I haven't posted since September 2013. Well, I just looked back at all my photos and a lot has happened. I am still going to start posting from September 2013. Maybe next time I won't fall behind.
Going to start with my husband Tom. He has been in the USCG for 27 years and he just made Warrant Officer on 8-30-2013. These next photos are when we were waiting for the ceremony and then the pinning and certificate handed out. Congratulations to my husband! He is awesome and I thank God for him and the fact that he has served his country for that long. Now, on to 30 years then retire. :)

 Tom's parents and his boys Mitch and Mason.

 Tom and Dave
They both got promoted on this day.

 Tom and his Mom and Dad.
 Tom with all the kids.
 Tom with his friend Dell.
 Tom with his friend Shawn.
Tom with his friend Luke.
Proud Wifey right here!