Hello There! First we started off the night at the Hockeytown Restaurant. We had a great time there. As you can see from some of the pics there were some aweseome Harley Davidsons all painted and looking sharp and shiney. My son Shawn is with his friend Connor there. Mitchell and Mason are in the first pic together. That was from Mason's school program. Mason with the spiked hair at Hockeytown Restaurant sitting by the Detroit Tigers Harley. Notice the Red Wings Harley. That has a hockey goalie mask on the back fender.
We had a blast at the game. Amanda sat down with her boyfriend close to the glass area and we had the "nosebleed" section-which did not matter, we had a great time, plus our noses did not bleed. LOL The game was not very good but we had fun! The boys were a riot. Screaming and clapping and whoopin it up! We went to Hockeytown restaurant before the game and shuttled over and back. All an experience that we all loved. While we were at Hockeytown restaurant, my daughter Amanda, got a beautiful promise ring. Her boyfriend Matt wanted to make a promise that he would stay committed to her.
On the way out of the game something interesting happened that I have been thinking about. We were walking down the huge stair case and Shawn (my 9yr old son) said to me, "Mom, why are those guys holding cups?" I had to explain that some people are asking for money because they don't have any and they might want a drink or possibly some food. I am greatful to God because we have not had to experience that for ourselves. We have been very lucky people. Very priveledged, fortunate, wealthy in so many ways! I am greatful that we have jobs and a nice home and all the basic needs that we need to live every day of our lives. I am greatful that we are able to walk, see, smell, touch, not disabled in any way shape or form.
Sounds like everyone had fun. I'm thankful for all my blessings too!
OH AWESOME BIKES!!!!Wish I could of seen those. Thanks for the pictures. I showed my hubby, too cool!! Yes I count my blessings and pray for those in need. Very thankful:)
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