We headed out 25 miles in the Atlantic Ocean to see if we could see some whales. About half way out we spotted a blow from a whale. Slowed the boat down and the whale did not surface again. So, we headed out to the area that we were suppose to see several whales. People on the boat spotted one and then I thought I missed it. A few minutes later seen another one and here are some pics that I got. The Whale watching was not that good the boat lady said, so she gave us free tickets to go again. Unfortunately, we did not have time for another five hour trip.

This is the boat that we went out on.

Shawn and Mitchell awaiting the departure.

Tom, Amanda, and Lea also waiting to leave. These guys got soaked on the trip. We had 6-8ft waves. Then they went down in the front of the boat and sat on the floor. Then Tom came up to sit with me after a while then---SPLASH! So, I hung onto him to go inside. Well, that is where my stomach started to go UH-OH and we headed back out to the front so I could see the horizon and have some fresh air. Something about being confined and all that movement. Funny thing, when we were heading inside, I hung onto Tom's shirt and the rail and my feet left the floor a couple times. CRAZY!!!!!

The whale came out of the water pretty good for us. I thought I would see them jump out of the water.

The same whale, but came out of the water more with a bigger arch. Probably to go down deeper into the ocean.
Beautiful pictures - it looks like such a fun trip!
Was it a finback whale? That's what we saw when we were out there! We saw about 5 on our trip! Can't wait to hear the other things about your trip!
Wow what a great adventure for all of you:)The pictures are great, nice blue ocean!!
How very cool!
Wow, very nice, I bet you guys had a wild ride with waves that big...
whale watching? How cool
It looks like you all had fun.The pictures are really nice.The whales are beautiful creatures.
Take Care. Lisa
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