This is a couple of the service people starting the parade. I don't know their names but I am thankful for the service that they do for our country. This is Tom (in the State hat--which I raz him about all the time--I like UofM). Next to him in the white shirt is Bill, he is also in the CG. Actually all those people in the picture and then some are people that serve in the CG and their kids in the kids parade. My boys are Mason (orange hat), Mitch (red shirt), Shawn (brown shirt, red bike and a whole TWO balloons). He did not want to put much effort into decorating his bike. Oh well!
This is Amanda, she had to get some candy at the parade since the boys were in the parade. She did not want me to take her pic, but I did anyway.
We had a great time going to the kids parade which is the little parade the first Saturday of the Festival. Actually, the parade wasn't so little. It was nice sized and there were floats! Can you believe it? People actually still make floats. Like when I was in High School for our Homecoming.
Allendale's 4th of July parade consists of a lot of tractors, people walking and passing out flyers and candy and old cars, but not many homemade floats that you ride on. It is still a nice parade. Just not like I use to see.
I did not get a chance to go to the second parade which is the really big one as I had to work. I guess that parade was over two hours long.
Anyway, my next post is going to be some pics of the Mackinac CG ship and some little things and fireworks. Woo0hoo!!!!
I see the lotto people have discoverd you they are a pain. anyway nice post about the parade. Can't wait to see the firework pics
very cool.
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