Tuesday, October 14, 2008


A few Saturdays ago, we went out to Babbitts and picked up a few toys. As you can see, Shawn is excited to bring them all home.

Mine is the red Arctic Cat behind Mitch's Grey/Red one. The one Shawn is sitting on.

As you can see, Shawn is excited. He has been bugging us for a while to get one. We got a great deal on all of them. Now all boys have a Quad and now all of us can go out on some trails together.

Mason and Mitch went to visit their Mom for Mason's birthday and when they came home we opened the garage to show them what we got them.

Here is Shawn on Left, Mason in middle, and Mitch on the Right.

We had to mark out the yard for them to ride because after we had rain and now that there are three boys on three quads, they tare up the yard more. So, we make some trails. LOL

What fun we are all having!


Mari said...

Those look like some happy boys! You will have fun with them for sure!

Unknown said...

My girl's would love to ride these. Have lots of fun.
Take care, Lisa

Unknown said...

Looks like tht will be quadruble fun!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Have fun, but be safe and wear helmets!! Boy do I sound like a mom yes? Great toys!!

Rebekah said...

Cool! You could come visit and join in the awesome game of ball tag we play on 4 wheelers. It would be a blast.

I have asked for my own quad. We have a big utility and a small one. I want one just the right fit for me.