Saturday, January 31, 2009


You Belong in Generation Y

You fit in best with people born between 1982 and 2001.

You are cooperative, flexible, and adaptable.

You know the world changes quickly, and you're eager to change with it.

You are socially responsible, forward thinking, and open minded.

I was born in 1967. But hey, looks good!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Photo Tag

Okay, I was tagged by (Mari) to photo tag. Here is what I did: I went to my 6th folder in my pictures, then picked the 6th picture and the above is what I got. Now I have to explain it!

This is my lovely daughter Amanda. She was at her computer in her room and was playing with her webcam. Must be she was looking at the computer while she took a pic with the webcam. As you can see, the cell phone is located at the ear. Something that you might see quite often. Kinda funny! What in the world did we ever do without all our cool gadgets?!!!!!

My daughter graduates this year and it is so strange to have that happening. I can think back and go through her whole life with things that have happened. My daughter is a great person! She is a Christian--follower of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amanda will be very successful in life. She has a heart of gold and a great personality.

Monday, January 19, 2009


This guy, Nick Vujicic, shows a person how to keep pressing on no matter what we may think is a bad time in our life. We can make the best out of anything!!!! We need to be grateful for all that we can do and achieve. I am sure that Nick is touching so many lives by his speech. Especially to teens, just when they think that life may "suck" for them, he turns it around and makes it so they know that they are special! God made each and every one of us special. We all have our own gifts, our own personalities. We need to not try to be exactly like the person next door. Only be who God wants us to be!

God bless each and every one of you that are reading this!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, it is snowing now and kids are wanting a snowday! In fact, I am looking for a snowday! LOL

We are suppose to get some heavy snow and high winds and fridged temmperatures. This started at 10pm and is suppose to go until 7pm Tuesday night. THe high winds will kick in around 2am.

Then another storm will start Wednesday. Woo-Hoooooo!!!!!

The kids were out on the four wheeler and sleds tonight. Amanda was drivng my Quad and pulling a row of three sleds. It is funny to watch and listen to them. When I pull them I try to make them fall off or hit the thick snow. We can only go up and down the long driveway because the quad will not go in the deep snow.

Enjoy your day!