Okay, I was tagged by (Mari) to photo tag. Here is what I did: I went to my 6th folder in my pictures, then picked the 6th picture and the above is what I got. Now I have to explain it!
This is my lovely daughter Amanda. She was at her computer in her room and was playing with her webcam. Must be she was looking at the computer while she took a pic with the webcam. As you can see, the cell phone is located at the ear. Something that you might see quite often. Kinda funny! What in the world did we ever do without all our cool gadgets?!!!!!
My daughter graduates this year and it is so strange to have that happening. I can think back and go through her whole life with things that have happened. My daughter is a great person! She is a Christian--follower of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amanda will be very successful in life. She has a heart of gold and a great personality.
Very cute picture of the almost grown up young lady.
That is so funny! I think she's got a little of you in her!
Hey that is how Lindsey looks all the time only with her it is the head phones-my music nut.
Amanda should get involved in Young Life - there are so many kids that need leadership!
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