Thursday, October 14, 2010


This is Kara. This is one of my friends daughters. I like to consider myself her Aunt.

This is Mason, my youngest.

This is Shawn

This is Mitch

This is Amanda, my oldest.
I love each and every one of these children with my whole heart. God has given me the privilege to raise these children and be an example to them. I consider myself lucky.
The pictures that I have put up on here are the ones that I have taken. I am learning to do a lot of things with the editing. This was just changing the colors basically.
We went to Fallasburg Park in Lowell, MI to get these shots. That is a beautiful park and it is really great in the fall with all of the colors changing. If you live close by to this park, pack a picnic basket, gather some friends and family and have an enjoyable day!


Unknown said...

awesome blog i like it the pics of kara and the kids are great love them, jessica is really good imaginative with poises and learning the in and outs of her camera.

Mari said...

These pics are great and so are those kids. The photographer is pretty great too! :)

Unknown said...

Looks very professional to me~~ and the kids are all getting so big!!!

Shelly said...

Thanks everyone! Encouragment is very helpful.