AS you can see from the pictures it was a really great show. Definitely Disney Quality. The skaters were great and did flips and they really knew all the motions and expressions just like in the movies. The tour consisted of the movies one and two.
I would recommend this tour to anyone. If it comes to your town and you have little kids, take them. You won't regret it!

Getting to the Arena was time consuming. The roads were all ice and snowing pretty good. Once we got up to the Standale area, it was bumper to bumper. We finally got up to Wendy's and ate then went to the arena. So, we did get over six inches of snow. Wowsie! It will be gone by next weekend though. :)
I was thinking about you guys going out yesterday afternoon. It wasn't a good night for a drive! Glad you had fun though.
Looks like a great show, glad you got there & back safely.
WHEW! glad your back safe! Happy Easter!!
We go to first service and sit right behind Pastor Steve. It is kinda comical because the family that sits there for 2nd service (VanderHelm's) sat there at the Good Friday service and we sat off to the far right and George VanderLeest came up to me after service and mentioned that he was thrown off because he didn't see the Hill's in the front and then noticed us off to the side so it was all good. We are such creatures of habit.
My daughter Anna is getting on an airplane Saturday morning with my sister and niece to go spend 10 days with my parents in Arizona (I will go with my younger 2 daughters next year) and I am so jealous of her right about now. I told her she may not come home with a tan. LOL!
The boys have the Grand Valley meet tonight but there will only be shot put throwing (inside) no discus outside. Zack broke the school record at this meet last year and we know he can break his own record this year but it will have to wait 'till the snow is gone now. Bummer.
What fun! I continue to find people with "Hope Connections" and it blows me away! He is so excited to get up there.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'd love to see the HS Musical show. It'd be fun for sure.
Have a great week.
:-) Susan
Thanks for coming over to visit me in Mel's World...any friend of Mari's is a friend of mine!
It is so nice to meet you!
Those pics are great...I LOVE HSM, but with two boys (12 and 14) they would hardly acknowledge that they liked it too! I would have to "borrow" one of my friends daughters and go with them to be able to enjoy it! Ha!
I am from right here in West Michigan, Hamilton, my folks live in Holland now they just like to vacation in Arizona because my mom's sister lives down there. They started going for just a couple weeks and every year they end up staying longer. This year they will be down there for 2 months. As long as they don't start leaving before Christmas. That would bum me out.
Must be great to be retired.
We think he took 3rd. He did not throw well but we expected it because they have been lifting so much and if he wants to "peek" in the finals then he needs to do the lifting now and realize that he won't be able to throw as far due to his muscles being tired.
He also let it get into his head that the kid that he competes with a lot threw 60' and they have both beaten each other at different times but Matt beat Zack at the last meet and Zack wanted to beat him this time. Well when you focus on beating someone and not just throwing with your best technique you usually don't do as well. So this was a good learning experience for Zack.
Sorry to hear about Amanda. I worry because my 14 year old complains about her knees a lot and she lives for soccer. I completely agree with you about not conditioning long enough.
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