Sunny Days--Sweeping the cares away--on my way--(can you do the next line of this sesame street tune?)
I sure am enjoying all the sunshine we have been having the past few days. I am enjoying seeing the grass where the snow has melted. I know we will have some more snow now and then, but I am excited that we will change our clocks back and that is a sure sign of spring coming.
Speaking of changing clocks back. What do you think of changing the clocks? I do like the longer hours at night in the summertime. Able to enjoy that more. But, why not keep the time in the Daylight savings time frame? You can look up daylight savings time and know how it first began. Kinda interesting.
I think we should leave it too! I really like it light later in the evening. It makes the day seem longer.
I'm for leaving it alone, I like the longer evenings too.
I also agree, love the longer evenings:)
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