Monday, January 19, 2009


This guy, Nick Vujicic, shows a person how to keep pressing on no matter what we may think is a bad time in our life. We can make the best out of anything!!!! We need to be grateful for all that we can do and achieve. I am sure that Nick is touching so many lives by his speech. Especially to teens, just when they think that life may "suck" for them, he turns it around and makes it so they know that they are special! God made each and every one of us special. We all have our own gifts, our own personalities. We need to not try to be exactly like the person next door. Only be who God wants us to be!

God bless each and every one of you that are reading this!


Anonymous said...

That is the coolest youtube ever!!! LOVE IT!! RP

Mari said...

I have seen him before and am so impressed by his great attitude. He's someone to really look up to.

Unknown said...

Isn't that something??? He gives us all inspiration...

Tami Vroma said...

I wrote a blog on him about 2 weeks ago. I showed it to Lindsey and Jord and they got on YouTube and pulled up more on him!! He is awesome!