First off, I have had quite the interesting year! In March, I no longer work at the Day Center that I enjoyed working at. There were issues with a certain employee that did not know to leave well enough alone. That is why I decided to not work there any longer as it was making me uptight I guess you could say. I was really stressed. I loved the job, just not one particular person. I decided to leave to make it better for me. I am glad I did and so is my husband. LOL He noticed right away how different that I was after I quit.
Getting use to being at home full time is quite the chore! More ways than one. LOL I have always worked all my adult life and to me it is hard not to have the social life that I had while working and it gave me something to chat about and feel like that I was really worth something and meant something to people.
Not working as also gave me a lot of opportunities to take that I would not have been able to while working full time. I was able to go to Millersburg, OH and meet my Sister Gina (from WV) out there so we could have the first Sister weekend. We had a really good time going through the cheese factory and site seeing and who knows what else. It was a lot of fun and I will always remember that.
Then once summer came along, I was able to go out to WV to help my Dad move. He was getting rid of his old place and wanted to just rent somewhere so that would give him more freedom to do whatever he wanted. Mainly what he wants to do is ride his Harley. He loves that! While I was out there, I was able to help get his rental house ready to move in. We plastered, stucko'd (not sure how to spell that-lol), cleaned, painted.
Then I met my family up in Pennsylvania as we were going to go camping with the Burgdorfer clan. We had a really nice time there and was able to do a lot of site seeing, camping, just good quality family time. Then after that, headed back down to WV to see my Dad and Sister and her family. This time we were able to help Dad move his belongings to the new place. Tom did that as I had a little more painting to finish up. We had a nice time helping Dad move. We had our camper out there so we were able to just stay in that. Had it parked at my Sister's house.
Came back home and then a week or two later, Tom and I went back out by ourselves as we had to haul back the tractor that my Dad gave to us. Tom is so excited about that. You know, once we got it there has not been a lot of snow for him to actually use it. Kinda funny!
Then a couple more weeks went by and I took two boys out with me to spend some time out there and just vacation. While I was out there, after one week, found out via facebook that my Mom passed away. Was kinda shocked about how all that happened. Then my Sister and my nephew came back with the two boys and I. Then had to make arrangements for all of that. Quite stressful. I was really happy to have a couple friends show up to the memorial service that I was not expecting at all. That meant the world to me! After all of that was settled headed back out to WV to finish our vacation and we had to bring the camper back.
Maybe I will write a little something at some of the pictures to highlight the rest of the year.
All in all, it has been a really good year for me.

Wendy gave me a shout out on Facebook to say she was coming over my way for a visit and wanted to stop in. That made me happy. I have not seen Wendy and the girls since 2003 when Randy passed away. It was great to see her and laugh with her again.
Tom is in the middle and Jordan on the left and Mike on the right (when you look at the pic). Tom always have fun going quading with his Coasties. Mike and Jordan moved away this year due to it was time to transfer with their jobs in the USCG.
Sandy and I
We go WAY back! We were friends in HS as I have posted before. It was so nice to reconnect with her this year and the family.
Buds forever!

In this picture my Mom is the one in Blue and blue jeans.
Here is the order it goes from left to right.
Aunt Sis (Carol), Mom (Kathy), Grandma Myrt (their Mom), Uncle Phil and Auntie Janny!This is my Mom in the red and my Dad (Terry Lehr) and he is holding me. The girl below is my cousin Sheila. Why is it that when I look at these while I am posting it brings a tear to my eye? Oh well, Life is good!

This is Tom
He made waders out of garbage bags so he would not get wet while fixing the pool. Yeah, you do what ya have to to make it work--no matter how redneck it is. LOL
We had a small hole in our pool and Tom had to patch it because we did not want to pay for another liner when that one was only used once as it was.
Matt and Amanda
I love them both very much!
Renee and Cameron
Renee and I met back in 1997 and I am so thankful for and treasure our friendship.This is the whole gang!
When I go up to Cadillac (Caddy) to visit friends and family this is one of the bunches that I see.
We have lots of fun!

This is me!

Tom surprised me with tickets to go see my favorite group!

Took the kids to Fallasburg Park in Lowell to get their pictures taken.
Mason playing football for the first time.
Shelly, you've had quite a year, nice pictures. Wishing you and the family a very Happy new year!!
This was a great look back! What a year you have had. Good time, bad times - God was with you all the way and He put some good people beside you too!
These are great pictures, and even better memories! Love the way you did this.
Awesome story and pictures Shelly - thanks for sharing! I really need to take the time and do that as well! Miss ya! Love Wendy
Wholly cow there is so many pictures on your site my computer could barely handle it I like the log cabin I want maple syrup
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