Oh Christmas Tree-Oh Christmas Tree
How lovely are thy branches!

Dave and Jan Vandlen (aka-Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma)
Mitch, Shawn, Connor, Mason, Amanda

Uncle Louie having a good time with the family and opening his presents.
He is a great man!

The boys got some snuggies from Grandma and Grandpa.
They love them!
Connor and Mason wanted their picture taken with their snuggies!

Sara (Tom's sister) with her cousin Bryan.

Sadie had a great time opening her present that Gramps and Gram got her!

Amanda loves opening things! Ever since she was a baby, she was always wanting to know what was in a package or bag. So curious and still is!

Mason, Connor, Mitch and Shawn
These boys get along great!

This is all of us!
That's a good looking bunch. Looks like a fun time!
How Blessed you are to have such a great family!! Thanks for sharing.
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