Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summertime Part One

Trip out to West Virginia for vacation and to see my family.
This is Matt and Aaron with a couple West Virginians at the Friday night races. It rained for a little bit, so they got under the umbrella with Brian and Thomas.
My lovely Sister Regina!
Amanda and Matt in the background.

Mason, Steven (my nephew), Mitch, Shawn.
Having a great time at the races.

Matt and Amanda

Tom, Dad, and Steve (Brother-in-law).

While we were in WV, we also went on a horse ride.

Mitch and Mason.
The first time ever on a horse. They did very well.

Amanda, Kara, Shawn, Mason, Mitch
Just getting on before the ride.

Shawn, Mason, and Mitch

Another adventure was riding quads while we were out there.
Every day that we went it was over a two hour ride. So much fun! Went deep into the woods, over rocks, through creeks and rivers up in the mountains. Most of the time we came back soaked and muddy. Woo-Hoooooo!!!!

My Daughter Amanda and friend of mines child Kara Parrish

This is what it looked like before we left on our trip. All packed up and ready to go in the morning.

Allendale July 4Th parade.

Shawn and Kara roasting marshmallows for their smores! Best Buds!

We were at the Parrish family's house and had a nice time on the back porch with a BBQ and a fire. AS you seen Kara and Shawn roasting marshmallows in previous picture.

Ted and Faith Parrish.
Playing Sequence at their house.

Tom and Mason
Again, having fun playing Sequence.

Mitch, Shawn, Mason
While we were getting rid of roosters up in Ravenna, the boys decided they wanted to get bunnies. So, we got four bunny's for each child.
This is only part one of what we did in the summer. More pictures to come.


Mari said...

Nice summer update! You guys packed lots of fun in. I can't believe it's almost fall and that school is starting soon. :(

Unknown said...

Cute pictures Shelly looks like you all had a fun time.. bout time you posted somethin....