Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Those not left behind

Okay Teddy, here are some more Thanksgiving pictures. I did not leave you our purposely so here are a few.
Aaron does not usually get in the pictures or will always turn away when I am taking the picture. Darn kid!
This one is of Faith--aka--Faithers, little woman, blondie!

This is goofy Teddy! He is so funny!
Not sure what Faith is laughing at, maybe she sees something funny on the ceiling! Faith, you are sitting in my chair that I want delivered to my house on Christmas day!
We had a great Thanksgiving with y'all there! Many more times to come!


Shelly said...

BTW Teddy, there were a few in there! LOL

Mari said...

Is Ted harassing you? Cute pictures anyway!

Unknown said...

That Faithers is always laughing at something, must be Ted. LOL

Anonymous said...

Aw, great to see Faith again, looks like fun:)

Shelly said...

Yeah Faithers is usually laughing at something. Cracks me up! Yes, Teddy was harassing me. We all like to harass each other.